Friday, November 20, 2009

Inexpensive fun wrapping!!

Wrapping done with (1) black sharpie, (3) highlighters, and (2) blank sheets of copy paper.

Yarn friends craft time with Amy!

Tree and tree buddies by Amy, funny little bird by tree by Carrie!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Randomly found this today... a doodle I did of/for my friend Jamie - summer '07.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drag Makeup?

So I am trying to get better at all sorts of makeup. Drag is makeup is fun but it helps me with the circus stuff. Anyway, I'm trying to get my head around how to do makeup better and the blending is pissing me off hardcore. Here are two pictures. Neither of them very good because the makeup isn't good either haha. I decided to wear Randy's new wig and my hat just for fun. Kinda creeps me out. I didn't smile because the super white face makeup makes my teeth look horribly yellow. haha

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mad Men Self

I did this all by myself =P

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shiny Vest

I bought a really ugly vest at Salvo yesterday and I thought it would be cool to "jazz" it up a bit. I'm going to start getting into making my own costumes and such so I'll post new things on here. As Trixie Little says, it's not a costume until you put sparkle on it! haha

Vest 1

Vest 2


Randy I decided to make hats one night for fun. He made two really nice black and red "side" hats that turned out really well. I made a...umm...Jungle drag queen/Jungle Princess/Jungle Pimp hat thing. Anyway, here ya go =P

Queen of Hearts Hat

Bird Hat One

Bird Hat Closeup

My Jungle Hat Thing

Jungle Hat Thing Closeup

Pictures of the Apartment

So Randy has a really nice camera so I took some pictures of the apartment. I really like these and I"m not sure why.... hehe. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Van + Amy Pet

This is the work in progress van. It's a sculpture that will capture my life from 2002-2008. I'm not sure where's it's going yet, but I know it's a vessel of memory.

This is a self portrait made after Liz told me about a dream she had. It was made for Liz, and it is a pet amy. It was made from dollor store stuffed animals. It's an amystein, haha.

And, Amy Pet with the intended audience, haha.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Based on a photo of my brother and I..

Beginning sketch of a mural...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009


Working on some sequencing. These two sequences have a lot of work ahead of them and will eventually be integrated into my new act. I will be using the song on this clip. Nothing is done to the music. Speed and quantity will be played with and developed. I plan on adding more spinning elements and smooth moves between positions. The whole idea for my new piece revolves around using typical trapeze poses as transitions so that it is all movement heightened by character work in the middle parts. For some reason I want this piece to be about me but I don't know exactly how to transmit that to the audience. I'm thinking of it being a quirky piece that is humorous in a very strange me...and possibly having it be the stuff I do =P

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do It Again Bare Bones

This is the beginning of a piece I"m doing to "Do It Again" by the Chemical Brothers. This video is very lame but it's a beginning. I wrote out a sequence that I thought would work, tried it and I am now making revisions to it until it's an actual act. As a note, the trapeze bar will be spinning while I"m doing these moves making it much more interesting to look at. I'm also just working on sequences so it's not really to the music. I do hit my head once and crush my balls at another point but it gives you an idea. I mime through a lot of the contortion stuff I"ll be doing on the floor.


Bagels Number 2!

Spicy Chile Left and Garlic Right >

Rosamary Olive Oil Left and Tomato Basil Right