Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do It Again Bare Bones

This is the beginning of a piece I"m doing to "Do It Again" by the Chemical Brothers. This video is very lame but it's a beginning. I wrote out a sequence that I thought would work, tried it and I am now making revisions to it until it's an actual act. As a note, the trapeze bar will be spinning while I"m doing these moves making it much more interesting to look at. I'm also just working on sequences so it's not really to the music. I do hit my head once and crush my balls at another point but it gives you an idea. I mime through a lot of the contortion stuff I"ll be doing on the floor.


1 comment:

AmyJGardiner said...

I like some of the different ways you get on the bar. Rather than just grabbing it and climbing on. Like, at the beginning, you start from a foot hang of sorts, I think it's interesting.